There are few things in this world that give me more joy, more peace, more healing than just being in a garden. I love everything about it, from feeling the rich soil in my hands, running my palms over the tops of the growing plants, listening to the cicadas in the evening as I stand, looking out over the order I’ve created out of a simple rectangle piece of land.
Each morning I go out to train the cucumbers onto the string, notice how much my luffa vines have grown over night, prune the “elbows” from the Roma tomato plants, watching the fruit form, all green and smooth, soon to turn pink and then bright red.
Do something today, just one thing that brings you closer to that vegetable garden. And if you already have one, pick up one new piece of knowledge that is going to help your garden succeed.
I do.
Every year.
And every year I am healed.
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