October 30, 2024

A satisfying aspect of scripture study is finding the Divine Feminine and recognizing God’s patterns across both scriptural text and time. Both Moses’ burning bush and Lehi’s Tree of Life exhibit intriguing patterns, highlighting the similarities in their prophetic experiences.

December 11, 2020

Women are created as and designed to be holy beings “She shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man.” Genesis 2:23 Rabbi Halevi noted that in this verse, the Hebrew word that was used for man is not adam. For the first time in the Torah, the Hebrew word used is ish.“Up…

November 17, 2020

Readers familiar with the Book of Mormon know that it was edited and compiled by a military man and prophet. Mormon had a cave full of Nephite records to comb through and choose to include in this compilation that was not meant for his fellow Nephites nor Lamanites, but for a day that the Lord…

July 1, 2020

Ever wonder why Eve was made with a “rib” from Adam? What if it was poorly translated and with a better translation their creation and union become much deeper and more powerful? Check out my new post on Medium. My newest book, “We are ‘adam: the Partnership of Adam and Eve in the Garden and…

June 9, 2020

Yesterday was Best Friends Day. Few things compare to having that one person who knows you best, but loves you anyway. But then, it happens. That BFF with whom you thought all was going swimmingly and then, suddenly, out of nowhere, you’re ghosted. No note. No phone call. No text. My BFF’s method of rejection…

May 29, 2020

May the sun be on your back, sweat on your brow, bees in your midst, and Mother Earth’s soil permanently ingrained in the crevices of your hands.

May 28, 2020

Check out Medium, a great hosting site that offers excellent articles. It’s like a blogosphere on steroids, but instead of “likes” writers are given “claps.” I just published a new article. Come on over, read the article, and express your appreciation by clapping!

May 25, 2020

I don’t think anyone has any idea the effect of what serving in the military or in war has on a person and his/her family. It’s something that one never “gets over.” My father served as a foot soldier in WWII, fought at the Battle of the Bulge in the Ardennes. He never shared any…

May 22, 2020

As a woman there has always been a question in the back of my mind: why was Eve/woman created? Was she only created to help Adam? Was she not created in her own right? Was Adam not needed as a “help meet” for her? Was she here only to help Adam/man to succeed? (I picture…

May 20, 2020

I love my garden. Have I mentioned that before? Every year I either try something new or, much to my chagrin, have to learn new ways of keeping my darlings alive. (I am grateful I can learn, and have the flexibility to do so.) When I was ordering from the garden catalogue for my spring…